
In game Dolby Atmos vs Driver's version - Audio

Dolby Atmos technology is different than surround sound, in that the encoding on the soundtrack allows for dynamic placement of various sound ...

Thoughts on Dolby Atmos? - General Discussion

Would you consider Dolby Atmos worth the price? It makes foot falls more pronounced and doesn't seem to make anything THAT much worse.

Dolby Atmos on or off? - General Discussion

Turning dolby atmos off makes the directional sound way more clear. It is a bit less immerdive tho, as the sound has less reverb and i think has more bleed ...

About OW's support for Doby Atmos audio systems

Overwatch 2 absolutely does support ATMOS for home theater and it works great. Some games do it better than others. Halo Infinite does a great job with ATMOS.

Overwatch Dolby Atmos - Distorted Sound?

Turning Dolby Atmos off resolves this issue, however it puts me at a disadvantage as the spatial sound is beneficial for pin-pointing enemy ...


Download Dolby Access on your Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, or Windows 10/11 PC to set up Dolby Atmos on your soundbar, TV, or home theater.

Dolby Atmos sounds really bad : rOverwatch

Atmos doesn't use speaker channels - the person mixing sound in the studio doesn't direct sound to discrete, pre-planned speaker channels.

Overwatch Sound Settings: Dolby Atmos ONOFF?

Although Dolby Atmos itself isn't a gimmick per se, it doesn't work on a traditional 2-speaker stereo setup.

Play Overwatch in Dolby Atmos®

Go behind the scenes with the first game ever created for Dolby Atmos for headphones and discover how moving audio delivers the ultimate ...

Stereo VS Dolby Atmos HRTF audio comparison (3D spatial sound)

Use headphones only with any virtual surround features turned off. This is just a quick and simple demonstration of what Overwatch sounds ...


DolbyAtmostechnologyisdifferentthansurroundsound,inthattheencodingonthesoundtrackallowsfordynamicplacementofvarioussound ...,WouldyouconsiderDolbyAtmosworththeprice?Itmakesfootfallsmorepronouncedanddoesn'tseemtomakeanythingTHATmuchworse.,Turningdolbyatmosoffmakesthedirectionalsoundwaymoreclear.Itisabitlessimmerdivetho,asthesoundhaslessreverbandithinkhasmorebleed ...,Overwatch2absolutelydoessup...